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Re-Imagining Brexit Britain: Reflections on the past, present and future

Thursday 14th December 6.30pm – 8.30pm

 Location: The Unity Centre, St Leonard’s Road, Rotherham, S65 1PD

The vote to leave the European Union in June 2016 touched upon some of big themes about the future of the Britain as a nation state. Issues such as the backlash to globalization, inequality, the growing divide between cities and rural areas, identity, and blaming of migrants in the UK led to a rise in reported racism and hate crimes nationally. The impact locally in South Yorkshire has been an on going increase in racist crime, an area already haunted by the history of far right marches. In the three months after the Referendum vote we faced a huge increase in race and religious hate crime – something which hasn’t abated.

The Monitoring Group (TMG) wants to build networks across the country, grassroots network of people and groups who are able to support victims, challenge authorities, and counteract the negative racist narrative which blames Black, Asian, migrant, refugees and other people for a set of deep seated economic and social problems in Britain. This grassroots perspective aims to build ‘Communities of Solidarity’ who can through discussions, active campaigns and programs to build leadership begin to challenge the language and debates around Brexit ahead of 2019.

Come, listen, learn and help build ‘Communities of Solidarity’.

Speakers include : Suresh Grover (TMG), Azzizum Akhtar (REMA-hate crime reporting centre- Rotherham landscape), Stuart Crosthwaite (SYMAAG Dignity not detention), Penny Wangari Jones (Racial Justice Network/Migrants Organise), Gulnaz Hussain (Firvale community Hub/ROMA network), Abrar Javid (Rotherham 12-(building solidarity/ resistance), Safina Khatoon ((Hate crime coordinator)

The event is free, but you will need to book from this link

16 February

Art, Activism, Race and Social Justice

16 April